Thursday, May 15, 2008

Microwave Urban Legends

Parts arrived......

Man in van showed up............

$180.00 magnetron tube replaced..............on a $200.00 Microwave.

Advice dispensed.................................Priceless!
Here is the 411:
Microwave popcorn DOES NOT burn up your magnetron tube, it is the heat.
Under cupboard microwaves do not have the airflow that allows then to function as well as stand alone units. So if you want your microwave to last get a stand alone or an extended warranty so they have to replace your expensive magnetron tube.


Hot Shauna said...

Sorry, Why are you moving! i don't want you to!!
- Meghan Cleverly

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Thanks Meghan, so nice to know that someone does not want us to. My husband works in Salt Lake - Sandy actually and so that is a very long commute for us and we get to see him so little as it is. We moved up here because the last 3 years he worked in Ogden so we had the same problem just in reverse. Funny what things change in your life when you try to improve them.
I hope that you like the blog!!!

pawlyandsandy said...

So were you lucky enough to have the extended warranty? Hope so. Glad to hear you haven't moved yet. We'll be down your way on Monday, will you be around? Call me!