I want to thank everyone that came over to comment and share the fun of celebrating my 150th post. So without further ado, the winner selected in the most highly-technically advanced method is:
My lovely assistants' grabbing a hand written name out of the brown paper bag.
I will be contacting you via e-mail to get your snail mail address. If for any reason she does not want to receive her gift we have selected alternative winners.

My lovely assistants' grabbing a hand written name out of the brown paper bag.
And the grand prize winner is.............

Do you want to see what Elena won, of course you do.
A wonderful Scentzy Kitchen/Bathroom light and scents to go along with it, this Christmas plaque and some yummy milk chocolate mint sandwiches. Thank you to everyone that participated. I had so much fun doing this and learning that my favorite posts are yours too, so join me December 8th for a re-post of the top requested posts: Beauty School Mess Up, I Need Help and My Secret Terror.

Merry Christmas!
Congratulations to Elena. I love me some Scensy. Awesome goodies.
Uh....sorry Meghan and Rhondalue there is NO WAY I'm passing up this AWESOME prize!!! HOORAY FOR ME (who NEVER wins anything)! I am TOTALLY excited and can NOT wait to get my hands on those Fernwood mints that I can't buy in my town. And I know the perfect spot for the Scentsy and cute plaque. Thanks Queenie, you know I love you!
Elena - I have never seen someone get so excited!!!! Did you sleep last night or were you up dreaming of chocolate mint sandwiches....? You are so funny and so welcome too.♥♥ I will be sending it off today so that you will have it soon.
Dangit!! I was hoping Elena and Meghan somehow didn't like nice gifts. lol
Oh well. Congrats! I actually feel all giddy for getting the alternate #2 spot. How strange am I?!
that was an awesome way to pick the winner...thanks....i was having a new chocolate meltdown trying to figure out how to pick. i figured a hat,,,but getting the kids involved...my daughter already wants to do the chocolate shopping, so this will be fun. thanks. ♥
and the 150th post...fun way to celebrate, of course i already LOVED your blog...thanks for the fun ideas...
Yay, Elena!! What fun and what great gifts for your giveaway!
Yeah, yeah, congrats to Elena :(
Yep, I'm a sore loser.
Just kidding. Although the prize looks awesome. And my house is real stinky...a good scent thing would have been great. Oh, well.
I did have fun playing along, especially with Caroline!
Congrats!!! Yaaay how fun! I'm bummed I missed out on this...I was in a serious Thanksgiving/Family in town coma! lol
Congrats on the 150th post! wooohooo!
Sweet! I never win anything! Thanks Queenie!
This is Elena's brother ringing in. This prize will be enjoyed to the utmost possible!
Awesome gift...Congrats Elena....
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