Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Simple Things

It was an average day, time for lunch.

So the man and I met at Costco to do two things: get a hot dog and drink combo and get him a card.

As we were walking out a woman coming in was smiling at us, she meet my gaze and I wondered what she was smiling at.

As we approached each other she stopped in our path and said the following,

" I love to see couples holding hands, you must be in love."

This comment stopped me, we always hold hands when we are out together and I never really think about it. Is it cause I love this man dearly or that we have been together so long that going with him and not holding his hand would seem like going outside without my sunglasses?

At any rate it made me wonder, is PDA just for the younger generation or do we have a better handle on what true love really looks like........♥


pawlyandsandy said...

I think it's good that holding hands is such a habbit to you, as natural as putting on sunglasses. It should be natural to show love and affection for your husband. You should be in-love with your husband, don't care how long you've been married, it's wonderful to spend time with your Eternal companion!

Elena said...

Awwwww....we're hand holders too. And is Costco the best hot dog for the buck or what? :)

Kate said...

I think that holding hands is an appropriate public display of affection. (Not the whole drape yourself over your significant other and walk around like a four-legged monster- which most teens are apt to do!)

Your hand holding is sweet and shows the world you are truly in love.

Megan said...

Okay, that gave me the chills. How adorable. I really do admire the relationship you and The Man have. How great that a total stranger could recognize that. Cute!

EmmaP said...

when i am in love i plan to hold hands with my man EVERY DAY!!! i love PDA's... (PG, of course). oh... and I heart the $1.50 hot dog combo @ Costco too! :)

~K~ said...

My husband and I have been together 25 years, married 22. We always hold hands...the first thing we reach for when we start to walk side by side..! Show the world who you love...:))

Also, when I'm with my 21 YO son, I also hold onto his arm...

Wendy said...

Loved this post. I vote for the "better handle on what true love is"...♥

Funny, we just did the Costco hot-dog, holding hands thing just yesterday!

It's the little things that are the most precious and important, huh?

....great post.

John Deere Mom said...

Aw, what a sweet comment. We hold hands too. Unless we are chasing down kids. :)

Busy Lady said...

Very sweet!! We hold hand all the time too. I guess I never think about it, we are just affectionate people. It's nice to know that other people are still like that too. Wow, I didn't know they had Costco in Twin - LOL!! I love their hot dogs and their ice cream!

Rhonda said...

dude Imma have to check out Costco's hot dogs...they sure are popular!

And you keep on hangin' onto his hand. It's not just for the young folk! ;)