I am going to do a little advertising for my parent company.

I work at one of their smaller Hospital's and I love it. I have the best job because I am a ghost. I come in on the weekend, I do not have to talk to anyone, I do not answer the phone, all I do is my job and keep things flowing so the M-F crowd does not have a big stack of work waiting for them. As a hospital we met some goal (see I do not know what we did but I get the reward) and they paid for our immediate family to spend the day here:

This is an Idaho Company and we loved it up there and we love it down here.

The kids are waiting and waiting and waiting to go on the small Go-karts. I did not have the heart to take a picture of "Sweet-boy" being told he was too small to go. He was so crushed!
Side Story: What you cannot see in the picture is that they are holding hands. At moments I see such a tender and caring side to my kids. They really look out for each other and I wonder what they will be like in say 5 years. Well I did not have to wonder long. As we were waiting in line there was a darling teen sister waiting with her younger brother in the bigger kart line. When it was their turn he got bumped for height restriction and looked so upset. His sister took his by the arm and talked to the attendant about getting him on the other ride where his height was not an issue. So he was placed in the front of our line and she gave him a big hug, told him it was going to be alright and that she would be listening for him to cheer her on while she raced her friends. Then she got nose to nose with him and smiled till he did too. It was so sweet and so tender and every time that I saw them I thought how that could be my kids in a few short years. I hope so......

My future Indy 500 girl getting ready to go race.

Look how carefully she is driving. I thought that she would burn rubber but she was so careful and cautious and it made me not so scared that she will be out on the pavement in 6 short years.

"The Man" took "Sweet-boy" here to help with his sadness. It took about 1 minute for him to be smiling and having a ball again.

The kids coming down the big slide. If there had not been a height restriction I would have been with them. It was a fun place to play.

"Drama Queen" and I decided to go on the double-seater Go-Karts, she wanted to drive but not this time. She needs to grow another 15 inches for that one.

"The Man" found us and took this picture like 5 times. We had to slow way down so he could take it on his phone. After the first lap I knew that we were not going to win. Believe me there was some real racing going on that we were not a part of.

One last picture and then mom had to head out to work. Everyone had such a good day and it was my favorite price - Free Fun!!!
Oh, that story about the brother and sister almost made me cry! How cute is that? My oldest is a big sister like that. She's such a good kid. I hope she'll always be sweet. Looks like it was a fun family day. We haven't been to Boondocks in forever!
I'm with Elena -- totally water works over here with that story!!! That is SO sweet!
Looks like you guys had a fabulous time...I WISH there was a place like that around us. Good times and great memories!
Oh and your job sounds fabulous!! I would love to be a ghost like that! lol
Boondocks is great!! Need to take the kids there before it gets too cold! My kids are teenagers and older and I still sometimes catch them being loving with each other. Such a nice story!
Looks like you guys had fun! We love Boondocks - a place with truly something for everyone to do. You do end up spending a lot of $$ there though, so it is great that your job paid for it. By the way, I looked up my name and there are 9 of me out there (which is scary to think about). I can't wait to see you in a little bit........
we went to boondocks in draper the last few years. my daughter loves the bumper boats and my boys love the go-karts, of course! fun times! cute pics!
that does look like an awesome place.
I work a lot of weekend shifts (nights, at that), and I love being there when management isn't. What exactly do you do? Just curious.
The pictures tell a great story...looks like you had a lot of fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog this week!
Heather- I wish that I could say that I finally had my nursing degree but it is still a work in progress. I work in the medical records department: compiling charts, analyzing them for completeness and then I also do Birth Certificates. That is the fun part to see all the new babies and what goofy names the parents have picked. We have a running list of the weirdest and year to date Rainbow Brite is the worst!!!
Wow were you at the one in Draper. that is soooo close to my house. My kids love going there and like going for birthdays. Yeah I want to know what you do to it sounds like a great job.
That looks like SO much fun! I need a job like yours! Sounds perfect! Thank you for the award - I DID get it, that was so sweet of you!! I have it on the side of my blog down at the bottom!
Glad you had a fun day with the family!!
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