I am back in school and one of my readers - yes Trooper Thorn I am talking about you, asked if I was any smarter yet?

Well, I may know more things then I did before and I have taken more tests than I care to again, but now it is time to put that knowledge into action. I have reached the clinical section and we are not even half-way done yet.

I think the most important thing is to look good no matter what you are doing.
Smarter, well maybe, I actually consider that I now know enough to really be dangerous, but bring on the long-term care facility.
If you don't look any smarter at least you look NURSE-Y. I know not a word but you know what I mean.
Sorry about the long term care facility. At least it is only short term for you.
glad everything is going well. Hope your brain doesn't explode.
I think you look professional, and your hair is very cute! But you're right the key is to act like you know everything. Confidence breeds trust. You're patients will trust your care if you act like you've been doing this for years. Also, I've noticed that people really appreciate a genuine smile. I had one person tell me that I must really like my job, I asked why they said that, they said, "Cuz you're always smiling"
Keep smiling! ..and studying :)
You go, girl! :-)
you look fantastic!!!! I love it. I'm so excited for you!
I think smartness is OOZING out of you! :) You look so cute in all your nurs-y-ness. Keep up the good work!
Good luck on your schooling!!!! :)
You look so official! I love the hair, soooo cute!!! Hang in there, you are almost there!
Tammy, you look gorgeous in your scrubs! They suit you! And let me tell you, there's nothing like putting on your pajamas and going to work. I pity the poor folk who have to wear pantyhose and heels everyday...yuck!
Hope the clinicals go well; they are definitely an eye-opening experience.
when i finished school, i felt stupider and i feel stupider every day. the children are killing all the brain cells.
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